Windows 8成为低迷PC市场的救世主的希望破灭了,一个NPD小组的研究表明Win 8发布后PC销量反而下降了。但是,对节假日销售仍抱希望。“总体上,大部分消费者不喜欢强烈的变化,”Gartner的分析员Gartner说。
英文原文:By Richard Adhikari
Part of the ECT News Network 11/29/12 2:53 PM PTThe hopes pinned on Windows 8 as the savior of a sagging PC market were dashed somewhat by the findings of an NPD Group study that shows PC sales instead fell following the OS' launch. There is hope for holiday sales, however. "In general, the majority of consumers don't like drastic change," said Mikako Kitagawa, analyst at Gartner.